Rectory School

An Independent, Coed, Junior Boarding (5-9) and Day School (Early Childhood-9)

Executive Function Disorder and ADHD

From lost binders to poor organization and everything in between, executive functioning deficits and ADHD can take their toll at school and at home. We understand that middle school life is complex and sometimes overwhelming for students with executive functioning needs. We're here to help. 

During their IIP time, students work with their tutors to create a personalized system to aid in organization; this includes working with a daily planner and learning management system (Schoology). The tutor and student (tutee) become a team that works together: creating checklists and strategies for both short-term and long-term assignments, developing auditory and visual spacial working memory strategies to increase a student's ability to hold on to information, strengthening self-monitoring skills including mindfulness and progress monitoring, and enhancing a student's ability to think flexibly. Tutors also provide motivation and support during times of transition and/or new tasks and help students develop emotional regulation strategies when students are confronted with setbacks or difficult situations. 

Our Approach:

  • Tutors work closely with information shared through educational/neuropsychological evaluations to create a learning environment rich in academic support and accommodations.
  • Tutors regularly communicate with teachers and dorm parents to ensure continuity of strategies that aid in a student's learning in the classroom and on dorm.
  • Accommodations on classroom and/or standardized tests (SSAT, ERB, etc.) are provided.
  • Tutors take an active interest in all areas of the student's life at Rectory, becoming his/her biggest advocate, strongest supporter, and most trusted and valued "person" on campus.
  • Tutors often also serve as the student's advisor, providing strong channels of home-school communications.
  • Classrooms and tutoring sessions allow for ample movement and access to alternative seating.


Ask Becca About IIP

Learn more about Rectory's IIP Program. Please click on the button below to start a conversation with Rebecca Pagitt-Mungai, Rectory's Director of Learning Services.