Student Leadership Opportunities
Boarding Proctors
Serving as a 9th-grade Proctor is a privilege at Rectory that a student earns through hard work, dedication, and a clear commitment to our community. Each spring, a series of interviews follow the application process for our interested eighth-grade students, with the final selections made by a panel of faculty members. Once chosen, Rectory Proctors act as a bridge between the students and dorm parents, fulfilling the role of mentors and big brothers/sisters to their dorm mates. Often, the responsibilities include helping students acclimate to boarding school life; they may listen to the concerns of a homesick student, help a dorm mate learn how to clean a room and make his/her bed properly, or teach a young boy how to wear a tie. The expectations of our Proctors are high, and this esteemed group does not disappoint. Leading by example and acting as a role model is of paramount importance and are just two of the ways Proctors can give back to the Rectory community, their home away from home.
Student Council
In the spring of each year, 8th graders have the opportunity to run for student council positions for the following year. The process begins with the 8th graders nominating members from their class to run. Then, those nominated campaign and address the entire student body, sharing their ideas for the upcoming year at Rectory and how they will improve and enhance the programs and policies we have, and share any new ideas they may have. The entire student body then votes to determine the following year’s student council. The top vote-getter will be named chairperson of the council. During the school year, the student council meets once a week to discuss issues going on in the school and ideas for events, activities, and fundraisers. They act as liaisons between the student body and faculty and administration, with both sides going to them with issues, concerns, and ideas. In the past, student council members have been responsible for the school-wide vote on a new mascot, being part of a half student half faculty dress code committee who updated the entire dress code, the institution of the Eric Kim 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament dedicated to a former student, and many other ideas from which the entire school has benefited.
Student Ambassadors
Student ambassadors are among Rectory’s finest. These students are chosen each spring to assist the Admissions Office in touring and welcoming potential families during visits, open houses, and various events throughout the year. Ambassadors must maintain exceptional performance in academics in order to be considered, as often they will be called from class to tour families. In addition, these students must also exhibit the four core values of the Rectory Creed; Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, and Compassion. In this role, students must be passionate and knowledgeable about Rectory, as often, this will be a family’s first impression of what it is like to be a student here. Therefore, it is important for student ambassadors to share their stories and personal journey at our school. It is very special when a student enrolls and feels comfortable because they see a familiar face that may have been their tour guide. A smile is always on their face, and all of our ambassadors are eager to welcome you and share why they see Rectory, as family.
Dining Hall Proctors
On Monday through Thursday evenings, the Rectory School boarding community enjoys family-style, sit down dinners. These are run by a student-led staff of waiters. Each spring, rising 9th graders who have dedicated time and effort to learning how to effectively run the dining hall are identified and asked to serve as head waiters for the following year. They select their team of waiters to work with them each evening and make sure that the entire process, from the setting of tables to cleaning at the end of the meal, is done efficiently. They work well with the dining hall staff and school administration when there are concerns regarding the system or scheduling. This can be a challenging leadership position because they are working with a staff of other students who they are holding accountable. Each year, students in these positions do an excellent job in service to the community.
Athletic Team Captains
The role of a team captain is first and foremost to act as a positive role model in practices and games. He or she should be one of the hardest workers and most respected members of their teams. They should also be someone their teammates are comfortable going to when they are uncomfortable about a situation and are not sure if they should be going to a coach about it. Being the most talented athlete does not necessarily make you a good captain; good sportsmanship and being dedicated to your team, coaches, and teammates do.