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Rogers Infirmary

The Morgan Witter Rogers Jr. Memorial Infirmary was a gift of the Rogers Family in memory of their son and former Rectory student.

The Rogers Infirmary was completed in 1946. The 6750 sq. ft. building consists of a nursing station, medication area, kitchen, treatment room, waiting room, work room, two bathrooms, and six patients rooms for a total of eight patient beds. Two rooms can be closed off for isolation cases.

The Infirmary, inspected and licensed by the State of Connecticut, is centrally located on the upper campus. The Infirmary staff believes that students must maintain a healthy life in order to reap the benefits of a Rectory education. Our goal as allied health-care professionals is to provide excellent health care in order to maximize each student's ability to participate fully in the activities of boarding school life.

Rectory is committed to the wellbeing of each student.

The mission of the Infirmary is to provide quality, comprehensive, ambulatory health care for currently enrolled sick and injured students in addition to providing emergency care for on-the-job injuries for our employees. We are competent, experienced, and concerned medical professionals who teach our students to make informed and mature decisions about their health.

While early adolescence is a time when young people are asserting their independence, parents are still an extremely important part of the child’s life. We know that receiving a call saying your child is sick or injured can be most upsetting. It is our hope that parents will participate fully in making important decisions concerning the health education and well being of their children. We strive to establish and maintain effective communication between students, parents, school faculty and staff.

The Rogers Infirmary
Office: 860.928.4634
Fax: 860.382.4375

Nursing Staff

Jennifer Dumais
Director of Nursing

Megan Haggett
School Nurse

Valerie McKinney
Staff Nurse

Patrick Wyman
Athletic Trainer

School Counselors

Donna Grant
School Counselor
Voicemail: 860.963.6740

Raja Fattelah, M.D.
Medical Director

Priority Family Healthcare
353 Pomfret St
Putnam CT 06260

Robin A. Weeks, D.M.D. (orthodontist)
(860) 928-4088 (Office)
(860) 928-6172 (Fax)

Danielson Pharmacy
Open Monday - Saturday, does deliver.
Tel: (860) 774-0050
Fax: (860) 774-0060