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Rectory's Carnival First Friday on the Seaward Pavilion. Kids enjoy bounce houses, cotton candy, popcorn, and good fun.

Weekends at Rectory School

Weekends at Rectory School are filled with fun activities and time to relax and have a fun junior boarding school experience. Students sign up for trips and activities early each week, so they know exactly what is offered for the weekend. Students are offered a variety of different options for the weekend. They can choose to participate in a structured athletic contest, such as Basketball Tournaments, World Cup Soccer matches, and Dodgeball! Students can also take part in more individualized fitness activities such as playing in the gym, hiking, or mountain biking.

In addition to the numerous activities both on and off campus, weekends include Sunday morning study hall for all students on campus, Chapel at Christ Church, and a dorm activity run by each dorm parent to create a home-like environment for each student.

Examples of Weekend Activities

Students are encouraged to recommend weekend activities that they are interested in. The Director of Student Activities makes every effort to offer activities that students request, assuming there is ample interest from other students.

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