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Student Life

Rectory is a family. We are unique in the amount of time each faculty member spends making connections with and supporting each student. Interactions between older and younger students are also built into our days--giving our youngest students older brothers and sisters to look up to and providing mentoring opportunities for our oldest students.

The Rectory community is welcoming and nurturing to a diverse and growing population. Each child finds his or her strengths, learns from their mistakes, participates in a multitude of activities, and celebrates his or her accomplishments!

Our students love visual art, music, photography and theatre; participate in athletics and physical activities; and strive to be the very best that they can be. Our students share their passions and interests with each other and the community in an open and respectful way.

Our elementary students’ day begins and ends by gathering in each classroom where they join as a group, learn about each other, and share the details of the academic day.

Our middle school day students’ day begins with an assembly, continue with academics, and end after athletics. Middle school boarding students’ day begins with a dorm parent’s knock on the door and a cheery “good morning,” continues with breakfast, assembly, athletics, dinner, and study hall. Their day ends with the dorm parent turning off the light and saying “good night.”