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Rectory Summer Reading 2024

Elementary School (Grades K-4)

Summer is here, and we encourage our elementary children to continue exploring and investigating the world around them. What better way is there to learn something new than to sit down in a cozy spot with a great book?! During the summer of 2024, children are expected to read at least two books: the required book(s) for their grade and a book of their choice.  In addition, the children may choose to participate in our ES version of the Rectory School Summer Reading Challenge, which can be found HERE.

**Elementary School Reader Response Forms are due no later than September 13, 2024.

Middle School (Grades 5-9)

Summer is a perfect time to dive into a good book. As a part of Rectory READS (Reading for Exploration, Acquisition, Discovery, and Success), we encourage our middle school students to investigate new topics and ideas reflecting the world around them. 

During the summer of 2024, Rectory students are expected to read at least two (2) books:

  • one (1) title from the list below for the grade you will enter in the fall of 2024 (Grade 9 will read News of the World by Paulette Jiles as required reading instead) and;
  • one (1) title of a student’s choosing.

Upon return in the fall, Rectory faculty will lead book circles for each of the titles listed below in the first two weeks of school. Students should be prepared to participate in a discussion about the book chosen.

For the book of choice, students will be expected to complete a 8.5" x 11" (inch) poster (printer paper) whether it be drawn and written by hand, created with any tool like Google Slides, Word Document, Canva, drawing programs, etc., and turned in on Blackbaud to the Rectory READS course by Friday, Sept. 13th. The poster must include: 

  • Title of the book
  • Author of the book
  • Cover of the book (Drawn or find the image)
  • Student's rating out of 5 stars (Drawn or digital creation)
  • Student's summary of the book in 150 words or more
  • Student's Name

We also offer a Rectory READS Summer Challenge Card included in the resources section below. This is a fantastic opportunity to read beyond what is required and get a dress-down and pizza party upon our return in the fall!

**The Middle School Rectory READS poster is due no later than September 13, 2024.