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Ready to Explore

Experiential Learning=Minds-On

Essential curricular offerings, complimenting and extending the science topics, include instruction in literacy, mathematics, social studies, Spanish, visual art, movement, music, and media. However, it is the method by which these academic subjects are taught by our faculty that comprise the unique and innovative education children receive at Rectory.

Project-Based Learning

Young children are inquisitive and interested in exploring nature and their environment. Each term at Rectory, students are immersed in a science study that permeates all aspects of their learning. Science topics are selected to include experiences in physical, earth, and life sciences and embrace the Next Generation Science Standards that keep pace with the changing world around us. This year, our elementary students will participate in the following "Orange Year" science studies as outlined below:

Grades K-1

Orange Year

Black Year

Grades 2-3

Three elementary school students measuring liquids.

Orange Year

Black Year

Grade 4

Every Year

It's All In A Day

8:00 AM - Welcome
Each morning, teachers personally greet their children and families. We are glad that you are here and look forward to spending the day with you.

8:15 AM - Morning Meeting
We gather as a group and share things that are important to us. The teachers and children have conversations about our families, current events, and the morning's activities. We read a story together, and then, we're off!

8:45 AM - Curriculum Studies
Our teachers connect with children to foster a sense of wonder about the world around them. Our academic journeys with mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies connect with life. Each child is supported and challenged to do his or her personal best.

11:30 AM - Lunch
This is a special time to gather and eat healthy foods, while we have conversations and learn more about one another.

12:00 PM - Outside
Children spend time outside daily. Our beautiful 138-acre campus has many places to explore: a playground, a pond, fields, courts, and peaceful trails through the woods.

12:30 PM - The Arts
Each week our children are engaged in movement, music, visual art, and Spanish classes. The arts have the power to develop children's thinking and imagination.

1:45 PM - Science Projects
Our children collaborate to explore and research topics that interest them, which also connect to our science projects. Teachers read with children individually and are surrounded by materials that encourage exploration and questions.

2:45 PM - Goodbye Gathering
We share our experiences and send our children home with memories and experiences that will continue the next time we meet.


Young boy elementary school student reading to an older girl.


Elementary School girl lighting up a circuit in her 4th-grade science class.